Namaco Miyoko

Just a shy kitty exploring the world meowI apologize if I'm staring at you, I'm probably checking your adventurer plate or your glamour, I'm very curious and I like to take inspiration...or maybe you're just very beautiful ♥Feel free to /tell me ^^

Home / My house

Welcome to my humble apartment.
I like decorating but I'm still a beginner, I gladly accept advice and new ideas on how I could improve the decor.
Visitors are welcome but I only ask you to follow these few rules:

  • If I am available, knock before entering, I may be home and busy

  • Leave your weapons with the lobby staff

  • Companions are welcome but please make sure they are clean before entering, otherwise I please you to leave them with the lobby staff during your visit

  • Leave your shoes at the front door, I care about having a clean house ♡

In case you want to copy my design: MakePlace

Twintania ● LVB ● Ward 7 ● Wing 1 ● Room 4